full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Daniel Kish: How I use sonar to navigate the world

Unscramble the Blue Letters

DK: Three hundred and sixty-degree view, so my sonar wroks about as well behind me as it does in front of me. It works around corners. It works through surfaces. Generally, it's kind of a fuzzy three-dimensional geometry. One of my students, who has now become an instructor, when he lost his vision, after a few mtnohs he was sitting in his three srtoy house and he realized that he could hear everything going on throughout the house: conversations, people in the kitchen, polpee in the bathroom, several floors away, several walls away. He said it was something like having x-ray vision.

Open Cloze

DK: Three hundred and sixty-degree view, so my sonar _____ about as well behind me as it does in front of me. It works around corners. It works through surfaces. Generally, it's kind of a fuzzy three-dimensional geometry. One of my students, who has now become an instructor, when he lost his vision, after a few ______ he was sitting in his three _____ house and he realized that he could hear everything going on throughout the house: conversations, people in the kitchen, ______ in the bathroom, several floors away, several walls away. He said it was something like having x-ray vision.


  1. works
  2. story
  3. people
  4. months

Original Text

DK: Three hundred and sixty-degree view, so my sonar works about as well behind me as it does in front of me. It works around corners. It works through surfaces. Generally, it's kind of a fuzzy three-dimensional geometry. One of my students, who has now become an instructor, when he lost his vision, after a few months he was sitting in his three story house and he realized that he could hear everything going on throughout the house: conversations, people in the kitchen, people in the bathroom, several floors away, several walls away. He said it was something like having x-ray vision.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
blind people 4
flash sonar 2
dark unknowns 2
sighted people 2

Important Words

  1. bathroom
  2. conversations
  3. corners
  4. floors
  5. front
  6. fuzzy
  7. generally
  8. geometry
  9. hear
  10. house
  11. instructor
  12. kind
  13. kitchen
  14. lost
  15. months
  16. people
  17. realized
  18. sitting
  19. sonar
  20. story
  21. students
  22. surfaces
  23. view
  24. vision
  25. walls
  26. works